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DUI Defenses and Your Legal Options in Florida


A range of criminal charges, including Driving Under the Influence (DUI), carry consequences that can impact your life in numerous ways. Whether you are in a situation related to a first-time drunk driving offense or a repeat violation, understanding the intricacies of DUI laws is essential when facing charges.

From blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits to implied consent laws, discuss the details of your case and the specifics of DUI defenses with a seasoned Clearwater criminal defense lawyer. Together, you can explore what legal options are available.

Legal Framework and Possible Defenses

The Sunshine State has strict laws in place to combat drunk driving. For example, there is a BAC limit of 0.08% for individuals aged 21 and older. When it comes to drivers who are not of legal age, drivers under 21, the BAC limit is lower, set at just 0.02%. It is also important to recognize that Florida operates under implied consent laws, meaning that by simply operating a motor vehicle drivers have consented to chemical testing if lawfully arrested for driving intoxicated.

While stringent rules are in place, there are ways for individuals facing DUI charges to review possible defenses. One common defense is challenging the legality of the traffic stop or arrest itself. If law enforcement officers lacked probable cause or conducted an unlawful search or seizure, evidence obtained as a result may be deemed inadmissible in court. When this happens, it may be possible to have charges dismissed.

There are also times when there have been inaccuracies in chemical testing. Breathalyzer, blood tests, and other screening devices are not infallible. Tests can be influenced by improper calibration, faulty equipment, or medical conditions, skewing results. Experienced legal professionals can scrutinize the procedures followed during testing and in some situations challenge the reliability of the evidence presented by the prosecution.

Mitigating circumstances such as necessity or duress may also apply. So if a person drove under the influence to avoid greater harm, such as escaping danger or preventing harm to themselves or others, this defense may be applicable.

Lean on Legal Expertise

Given the gravity of DUI consequences, trying to cobble together a defense without any legal training is a big gamble. Instead, seek legal representation from a qualified Clearwater criminal defense lawyer. A professional who can assess the specifics of your case, identify potential defenses, and advocate on your behalf to achieve the best possible outcome. Attorneys know how to negotiate with prosecutors for reduced charges or sentencing alternatives and guide you through every step of the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected at all times.

Should you talk about possible DUI defenses with an attorney? The answer is likely yes. By being aware of your rights and potential defenses you can effectively protect yourself when facing DUI charges. Speak to the attorneys at King Law Group to learn more. A knowledgeable attorney can support you as you navigate the complexities of the legal system and safeguard your future. Schedule your free consultation today.

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